The PCT Analyzer tool helps you identify any gaps that might be present that might limit the effectiveness of your change management work, based on Prosci’s nearly 25 years Change Management research and bi-annual Best Practices surveys.
The Project Change Triangle (PCT) has three corners that reflect the critical elements necessary in times of change:
If a project is missing any of the three components,
it will struggle or fail. Below is an example of the PCT tool
with its ten questions in each dimension of the triangle that enable you to evaluate the health of a particular project/program or other change initiative.
The PCT is an online assessment taking no more than 10-15 min to respond to.
Deliverables & Duration:
1. 2h Startup workshop (onsite)
2. PCT Online Assessment incl. monitoring
3. Analysis of PCT Assessment results
4. Compilation of PCT Management report
5. Presentation of PCT Assessment findings with
unbiased, recommended actions (onsite)
Total duration: 2-4 weeks, mostly offsite.